
Sample prototype testing department

In December 2019, MPE-Garry will be opening a new sample prototype testing department. The investment in new machines creates additional capacities as well as opportunities for trials and tests on prototypes and series components.

"We need near-series stamped parts for product and manufacturability tests, ideally in the early project phase," explains Jörn Bargholz, General Manager of MPE-Garry. "The results of these tests increase our responsiveness in the event that a tool adjustments is required. This, in turn, enables considerably better throughput times for the final progressive tool." In order to eventually end up with practical tools and excellent products, the samples are built from stamped-bent parts, even in the development phase. "This means we can implement pre-production series that later go into series production," explains Bargholz. This not only benefits MPE-Garry but also the customers - they can inspect and evaluate the results of the test runs on site.

Innovations for even more power
In order to optimally integrate the new prototype construction into the production process, the technical equipment was of the highest priority during the planning phase. Over a project room size of approximately 80 m2 beetween stamped part production and tool construction, there will be, therefore:

  • An SHP-400 servo-stroke press for punching and adjusting new progressive tools, for small-series production as well as for testing and operating sample prototype tools.
  • The Beger BT-150 bending machine for fast, flexible, high-precision bending, for example of laser-cut or etched boards for sample or prototype production.
  • In addition, this bending machine is used for the final stamping strip calculation for series tools.
  • An S9i stereo microscope to inspect and analyse cutting edges on active parts, stamped parts and stamping strips. this enables the professionals to gain knowledge about the service life of the individual tools in order to increase them before the next maintenance interval.
  • The new high-performance press from Bruderer, the BSTA 410-110 high-speed automatic punching press, expands the already excellently equipped machine park to a total of eight Bruderer systems for series production.

MPE-Garry founds off the complete range of high-performance presses with:

  • the durable, consistently precise machine - and guarantees shorter production times
  • even higher productivity
  • high competitiveness in the future thanks to lower operating costs
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