

FFC/FPC Connectors
FFC/FPC Connectors

MPE-Garry is offering a full range of high-quality connectors to connect FFC (Flexible Flat Cable) or FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit) cables with printed circuit boards. Available in pitches of 0.30 mm, 0.50 mm and 1.25 mm as zero force (ZIF) or low-insertion force (LIF) connectors, our products impress in particular with extremely compact dimensions. As a result of this, extremely short contact length enables these connectors to transmit even high-frequency signals without any problems. All our FFC/FPC connectors are designed for SMD mounting, packed in tube or tape and reel they are ideally suited for fully automatic assembly processes. An active locking system effectively prevents accidental disconnection of the cable from the connector. In addition to the extensive standard range, MPE-Garry also offers the possibility implementing customer-specific solutions tailored to your application, flexible and quick.

FFC flat cable
FFC flat cable

MPE-Garry is offering a variety of different, high-quality flat flexible cables for the electrical connection between printed circuit boards or between boards with external functional units. These FFC cables are available in pitches of 0.30 mm, 0.50 mm, 0.80 mm, 1.00 mm, 1.25 mm, 1.27 mm 2.00 mm and 2.54 mm in three different flexibility classes (Standard, Flexible and Super Flexible). The cable length is determined individually by the customer and realized without any tooling costs. Also, the length of the contact surfaces as well as the length of the support tape and their arrangement can be defined by the customer. Depending on the pitch of the cable, pin counts from 4-way to 100-way are offered as standard. Four different UL standards are offered in terms of temperature resistance and maximum dielectric strength. These are UL 2896 (80 °C, 30 V), UL 20624 (80 °C, 60 V), UL 20706 (105 °C, 60 V) and UL 3624 (105 °C, 300 V). As a very special feature, all FFC cables from MPE-Garry can also be offered shielded. Aluminium or copper foil, conductive fabrics and conductive coated polyester foil are available as shielding materials. The shielding can of course be electrically connected to one or more poles of the cable.

+49 (0) 83 62 / 91 56-0